What is ultrasound?
An ultrasound scan is a procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image of part of the inside of the body. It doesn't use radiation and there are no known risks or after effects with it. A small device called an ultrasound probe is used which emits high-frequency sound waves. You can't hear these sound waves, but when they bounce off different parts of the body, they create "echoes" that are picked up by the probe and converted into a real-time image. This image is displayed on a monitor and the sonographer can freeze the image and save for interpretation and reporting.
Abdominal and Pelvic
Small Parts inc testes and thyroid
Doppler - DVT
Ultrasound Guided Injections
Your Scan
When you arrive, you will be greeted by a qualified sonographer who may ask some questions about your referral and symptoms to tailor the examination to your needs.
You will be asked to lie or sit on the couch with the area of interest exposed. You do not need to change but may be asked to move your clothes aside for access. A special gel is applied to transmit the soundwaves and a handheld probe is then used by the sonographer. If you prefer a chaperone for intimate examinations this will be offered at the time of the scan.
You may be asked to hold your breath for a moment at times during the scan and once the scan is complete the gel will be removed. The examination is not painful, however the probe may feel uncomfortable in tender areas. If your preparation has instructed a full bladder, you will be allowed to empty at the earliest opportunity. The scan should only take approximately 10 – 20 minutes.
After your Scan
The results of your scan are entered into your medical records or emailed to the surgery usually on the same day for your GP to view.
Ultrasound Guided Steroid Injections
What are steroids?
Steroid injections can be a rapid and effective treatment for painful or inflamed joints or tissues. Many steroids occur naturally in the body and some are extremely powerful anti-inflammatories. They are different to steroids body builders use to build muscles. The injection should reduce inflammation which, in turn reduces pain.
How quickly will it work?
Some injections give relief in hours, others may take a week or more to take effect.
How effective is it and will it last?
There is tremendous variation between people and how effective the injection is and how long it will last. It does not cure an underlying problem like arthritis.
Most injections are quick and easy to perform. An ultrasound scan will be used so that the steroid can be injected into the correct area.
Common Concerns
Ultrasound scans aren’t harmful and do not involve any radiation.
There are no known risks from an ultrasound scan.
If you are on medication please take it as normal with minimal amounts of water.
If you are diabetic and have been asked to not eat, please contact us for advice or a different appointment time. Food and medication can be brought for consumption post scan.
If a full bladder is required for the examination and you are on a daily fluid restriction please contact the department for further instructions.
If you have any concerns please contact us on 01472 245075.